Add custom volume icons, rich text documents, license agreements in various languages. Customize various settings for creating disk images and support for AppleScript with command-line for automation.

Added a Magical Costume Mirror to the left of the Frozen Foothills portal.PvP Changes Something something, Chain Lightning changes, something something aerial block, IFRAME.Moonlight Splitter EX skill cancelable after first projectile now.Crescent Cleave EX Action Speed increased by 5%.Added 400 sab LI melee hit as the Warden bends down (right before first projectile appears).Monkey Roll hitbox on right click made bigger.Trans Monkey Roll made with 4 second cooldown.Air Raid changed from passive skill to active.Holy Kick Lv6+ range nerfed back to normal.Aerial Block cooldown increased from 18s to 30s.Armor Break tumble cancel timing increased by ~10 frames.Goddess Relic + EX tumble cancel timing increased by ~10 frames.Divine Ascension + EX given startup animation with only 400 SA.Guard Class Mastery I removed paralyze increase.